535 - The number of days we planned & dreamt & hoped & longed for that day to finally arrive.
150 - The number of prescription pills (not including pre-natals) I consumed in an attempt to prepare my body for pregnancy.
22 - The number of doctor appointments we attended.
15 - The number of times my blood was drawn for lab testing & evlauation.
5 - The number of ultrasounds I had to diagnose our miscarriage as well as the functioning of my organs during hormone treatment.
5 - The number of hormone injections I received.
4 - The number of times we changed doctors, desperately searching for someone who could help make our dream come true.
1 - The baby we lost...
1 - The number of times my body was pumped full of iodine & x-rayed.
1 - The IUI that finally helped us conceive this little miracle:
Today (Feb 3, 2010) as we sat in a tiny ultrasound room, watching the aerobic movements of the sweet baby growing inside of me (curtosey of the sugary drink I had with lunch), I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the difficult journey we've endured. I know now that our focus has shifted to a brand new set of numbers...and just like the previous ones, now that we have counted them, our lives will never be the same!