Monday, May 24, 2010

My Crazy, Chaotic, Simply WONDERFUL Life...

I sit here giggling to myself as I read the last 2 posts that talk about how busy we've been...because a couple weeks after my nesting post...busy took on a whole new meaning when our life exploded with chaos! Here's just a glimpse of our busy-ness in the past 5 weeks:

This gorgeous, fantastic, adorable, incredible little sister of mine... engaged to the man of her dreams and embarked on the fast paced journey of planning a wedding for June 26th (yes, THIS year)! You can view Josh & Emily's engagement pics via this link: MattShumatePhotography

Our initial days after the engagement were filled with dress shopping, for the bride (sorry readers, I can't share any pics of her dress until after the wedding...but I can assure you, this dress was made for her and she looks amazing in it!), the bridesmaids, and last but not least, the most challenging dress...for me, the (soon to be 8 month pregnant) matron of honor.

Amongst all of this wonderful craziness, we finished organizing the closet in the nursery:

And celebrated my first official Mother's Day! My sweet husband ordered me a spendy diaper bag I've had my eye on at Nordstrom's but couldn't justify the cost...LOVE it..and him ;-)

I had my first baby shower hosted by my Mother-in-law (picture of jammies that say "my auntie loves me" from Auntie Em):

And then made 60 bridal shower invites...

40 thank yous...

and a recipe book...

before hosting Em's bridal shower last Saturday:

Then squeezed in some time to help my sister with 60 shower invites and matching thank you cards for my other 2 upcoming baby showers:

And made 40 graduation party invites and thank you cards for my little brother's high school grad party we are hosting in a few weeks as well!

Pic of Zack & I at the space needle (fall 2009):

In case you are curious, including the 100 birth announcements I have ready and waiting for the arrival of our daughter...that's a total of over 400 handmade cards in the past 5 weeks...All this on top of being pregnant (updated belly pic at 30 weeks):

and amidst the craziness of finishing our basement:

So, loyal blog readers...that about sums up my life in the past crazy, chaotic, yet simply WONDERFUL life =)
