Sunday, December 20, 2009

2009 Christmas Card Sneak Peak

Coming soon to a mailbox near you...


  1. Holy crud- I don't think all of those will fit in my mailbox! Looking forward to this year's masterpiece :)


    P.S. Are those new curtains?

  2. Wow!!! I think my jaw just hit the ground. Again and as always... you are amazing.

  3. Whoa!! You are amazing Steph. I am beyond impressed :) Good job!

  4. WOW! That is Incredible! (I loved it!) And, I am so honored to be on your list of recipients! ;)

    I was finally able to find some time to catch up on your blog....You are Amazing! I shared a few more tears, and am still keeping you in my prayers! I have faith that 2010 is going to be a year Full of Blessings for you! Happy New Year Steph! Love ya!

