Friday, September 18, 2009

A Letter to Our Baby

We've been waiting for you for quite some time, baby; Cried a million sad and lonely tears for you, baby; Dreamt of the overwhelming love you will someday bring with you, baby; Prayed countless unanswered prayers for you, baby; Imagined the perfect features of your sweet face, baby; Felt devastating heartache watching others move on and welcome new life...while our life stands still and our arms remain empty without you, baby.

Yet, somehow, despite our painful journey...I know once you are finally here, the heartache will have been worthwhile and we will be even better parents for all we have endured.

My thoughts are consumed with you. My arms long to hold you. My heart aches to know you and I anxiously await the glorious news that you are safe and on your way to join our family.

You are loved dearly, wanted desperately, and adored already.

Please come soon.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Steph, this is a beautiful poem! It brings tears to my eyes and my heart hurts for you and Ben! We love you so much and continue to pray for you and Ben!

    Love ya Sister,

